My Cart


How To Shop

Shopping at LIFE is very simple.

Just follow these easy steps:

1. Choose from the menu selection "SHOP".

2. Select from the drop-down product range headings for example "T-shirts". All products will load below.

3.Click on the photograph of the product you are interested in to view the product range.  The product page provides you with every detail you require on that product which includes all photography, product details, size, colour availability, price etc. if you wish to go back to your search results simply click the "Back to" link found in the top left-hand corner of your product page.

4. Once on the product page select Colour, Size and Quantity and then click on the "ADD TO CART" button. If you are unsure on what size you will then click "SIZE GUIDE" found above the description. The "SIZE GUIDE" will provide you with all you need to know about that product and help you choose the right size for you.

5. Once you have clicked "ADD TO CART" a pop out window will appear showing you a summary of all the items in your cart with a total value. You can either continue to shop by clicking the "CONTINUE SHOPPING" link at the top of the pop-out window or view a detailed summary of your cart by clicking "VIEW CART" on the bottom of the Pop out window.

6. At "Checkout" a new window will load and display all the products that you have loaded. You will be required to either "LOG IN" or fill in your relevant details as you begin the checkout process.

7. You will then be prompted to the Shipping Method and lastly Payment method.

8. Upon completion of your order, you will receive an email shortly after confirming your order.